FIG. 2.
Logarithms (log, base e) of different variables of bursts identified by 50–6–15 criteria for spike trains of the G, NG, and I categories. These variables are described in detail in the methods (Analysis of burst activity) and include variables describing firing (firing rate [FR]), bursting (burst rate [BR], burst rate/primary event rate [BR/PR], burst percentage [BP]), and inhibitory events (including preburst interspike interval [PBISI] and PBISI/primary event interspike interval [PBISI/PRISI]). Histograms for these variables are given along the diagonal, as labeled. The vertical and horizontal axes of each graph are labeled along the corresponding axis of the whole figure. For example, the 4th graph from the left (top row) plots log FR on the vertical axis vs. log PBISI along the horizontal axis. Each red ○ indicates the variable for a G spike train, whereas blue + and green ▵ indicate NG and I spike trains, respectively (inset right bottom graph).