Figure 4.
Cdk5 is required for primary sensory neurogenesis. Immunostaining of 24 hpf embryos with an antibody against islet-1 marks (lateral views of the anterior regions of the embryos) primary neurons in (A) control siRNA-injected, (B) cdk5 siRNA-injected, and (C) cdk5 siRNA with cdk5 mRNA (200 pg)-injected embryos. Arrowheads indicate some of the neurons. (D) Quantitative analyses of islet-1 positive neurons are presented. Acetylated α-tubulin (acetyl α-tub) staining reveals the primary sensory neurons in the trigeminal ganglia of the zebrafish (lateral views) injected with control siRNA (E), cdk5 siRNA (F) and cdk5 siRNA plus cdk5 mRNA (G).