The ts mRNA 3′ end CFs affect GAL10 transcription
termination. (A) Northern blot of total RNA from
gal-induced ts strains (indicated on the top). Strains were grown at
the permissive temperature (26°C), induced with gal for 1 h, and
then shifted to the nonpermissive temperature (37°C) for 45 min.
Because mRNA levels are overall reduced at 37°C, twice the amount of
RNA was loaded for all samples at the restrictive temperature (except
for Δ-55, where equal amounts were loaded; lanes 1 and 2).
GAL transcripts were detected with a probe recognizing
GAL10 and GAL7. The filter was
prehybridized with total RNA (10 μg/ml hybridization solution)
extracted from cells grown in glucose to reduce crosshybridization to
rRNA. (B) Northern blot of total RNA from the
hpr1 Δgal10-7 strain,
transformed with GAL gene plasmids as indicated (lanes
1–4) versus wt (strain N222; lanes 5 and 6).