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. 2009 Jul;70(4):516–527. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2009.70.516

Table 2.

Main treatment effect by primary drug, type of CBT treatment, and type of comparison condition

Variable Alcohol Marijuana C/S/O Polydrug CBT CBT + psychosoc. CBT + pharm. Vs active treatment Vs passive treatment Vs no treatment Vs no adjunct
Fixed effects 0.067a 0.513b§ 0.126c* 0.116 0.165d§ 0.329e* 0.208f§ 0.129g§ 0.116§ 0.848§ 0.089h
 95% CI −0.002, 0.136 0.375, 0.651 0.011, 0.242 −0.007, 0.239 0.085, 0.245 0.238, 0.421 0.070, 0.346 0.041, 0.217 0.052, 0.180 0.692, 1.010 −0.066, 0.244
Range −0.670, 1.209 0.225, 0.824, −0.845, 0.626 −0.442, 0.642 −0.644, 0.626 −0.239, 1.210 −0.451, 0.867 −0.644, 0.626 −0.451, 0.867 0.288, 1.210 −0.845, 0.523
N 23 6 13 11 21 19 13 17 32 6 7
Q (df) 34.20 (22)* 10.53 (5) 40.39 (12)§ 10.96 (10) 37.80 (20)* 64.23 (18)§ 18.53 (12) 20.09 (16) 34.10 (31) 18.66 (5)§ 35.21 (6)§
I2 35.67* 52.53 70.29 8.72 47.09 71.97 35.25 20.38 31.26 73.21 82.96
Random effects 0.088 0.470§ 0.133 0.113 0.172* 0.305§ 0.199* 0.133* 0.152§ 0.796§ −0.054
 95% CI −0.018, 0.194 0.259, 0.681 −0.084, 0.350 −0.020, 0.246 0.053, 0.292 0.116, 0.493 0.021, 0.376 0.029, 0.238 0.062, 0.242 0.454, 1.140 −0.455, 0.348

Notes: C/S/O = cocaine/stimulant/opiate; CBT = cognitive-behavioral treatment; psychosoc. = psychosocial; pharm. = pharmacological; CI = confidence interval.


The trimmed estimate with three outlying (Kelly et al., 2000; O'Malley et al., 1992; Sandahl et al., 2004) and two high weight (Anton et al., 2006; Project MATCH, 1997) trials removed was larger, significant, and homogeneous (g = 0.14, p < .05, Q > .05);


the estimate with one high-weight study (MTRP, 2004) removed was 0.38 (p < .005, Q > .05);


the trimmed estimate with two outlying trials (Carroll et al., 1991; Rawson et al., 2006) removed was slightly larger but remained heterogeneous (g = 0.19, p < .05, Q < .05);


the trimmed estimate with one outlying trial (Sandahl et al., 2004) removed was slightly higher (g = 0.18, p < .005, Q < .05) but remained heterogeneous;


the trimmed estimate with two outlying studies (Kelly et al., 2001; MTRP, 2004) removed was lower and homogeneous (g = 0.20, p < .005, Q > .05);


the trimmed estimate with one outlying study (Heinälä et al., 2001) removed was slightly lower (g = 0.19, p < .05, Q > .05); Anton et al. (2006) not included in analyses because it qualifies as both a psychosocial and pharmacological combined intervention;


positive effect comparisons include interpersonal psychotherapy (Carroll et al., 1991, 2004; Donovan and Ito, 1988), twelve-step facilitation (Brown et al., 2002; Maude-Griffin et al., 1998), motivational interviewing (Anton et al., 2005; Stephens et al., 2000), and contingency management (Budney et al., 2006);


the trimmed estimate with one outlying trial (Rawson et al., 2006) removed was larger, significant but remained heterogeneous (g = 0.22, p < .05, Q < .05).


p <.05,

