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. 2009 Jun 14;2009:814140. doi: 10.1155/2009/814140

Table 1.

Chemosensitivity testing, constitutive protein, and mRNA expression of BCRP, LRP, MDR1, and MRP1 in 26 xenografts and the positive controls. Response: − negative: 100–50% T/C, + 35–50% T/C, ++ 21–35% T/C, +++ 6–20%T/C, ++++ 0–5% T/C, tox-toxic, n.t.—not tested; protein expression: − not detected, + weak, ++ medium, +++ strong expression; % of positive cells; mRNA expression: normalised ΔCT values; etp—etoposide, carpl—carboplatin, gem—gemcitabine, paltx—paclitaxel, erlo—erlotinib.

Before treatment
Chemosensitivity Protein expression mRNA expression
LuCa etp Carpl gem paltx erlo BCRP LRP MDR1 [%] MRP1 [%] bcrp lrp mdr1 mrp1
7064 ++ ++ ++ + 15.4 13.8 12.19 8.01 17.54 7.10
7126 +++ ++ +++ + 15.3 18.2 4.17 5.04 18.18 3.45
7166 ++ ++ + +++ 13.7 13.8 15.46 6.45 0 7.16
7177 ++ +++ ++ ++ 14.5 29.5 10.42 5.33 16.97 2.02
7187 ++ +++ ++ 15.4 18.3 8.13 6.90 0 7.55
7198 + + + +++ ++ 27.2 20.9 10.13 6.18 21.24 6.25
7298 + + ++ ++ ++ 14.4 13.1 15.03 5.79 17.19 6.33
7336 (+) ++ +++ +++ + 13.3 13.6 8.08 6.68 0 7.02
7343 +++ +++ ++ + + 20.8 24.1 8.34 5.85 0 5.23
7387 +++ ++++ ++ ++ 15.4 29.9 6.15 7.64 10.90 7.57
7406 + + +++ +++ +++ + 29.4 22.4 14.87 7.61 14.97 8.10
7414 ++ +++ +++ + ++ 17.9 15.6 7.13 5.69 0 6.21
7433 +++ ++++ +++ 18.8 22.1 6.99 5.68 17.20 3.73
7462 + ++++ +++ ++ + 39.8 31.3 7.65 5.24 9.36 7.78
7466 ++++ ++++ ++ + ++ 15.5 18.6 8.62 7.56 22.43 8.65
7506 ++++ (+) +++ + + 65.8 19.0 10.96 7.07 15.94 6.98
7530 ++++ tox +++ +++ + 20.1 16.1 14.27 8.24 14.35 8.01
7558 ++++ +++ +++ ++ 24.0 25.3 15.90 6.26 18.64 6.38
7612 ++++ +++ + 17.7 15.5 11.09 5.89 16.98 6.04
7668 +++ tox ++++ +++ 17.2 24.8 7.55 6.12 13.42 6.17
7700 ++++ ++ ++ +++ 18.1 13.9 15.81 6.01 17.32 7.96
7747 ++ ++ + ++ 62.0 15.0 15.19 4.82 18.29 6.26
7766 +++ + ++ + + 33.1 18.0 6.72 5.18 17.88 4.14
7860 + ++ +++ + ++ 20.6 22.4 11.16 4.96 16.41 5.47
7913 + (+) +++ + ++ 14.0 n.t. 13.50 5.64 18.47 6.17
7915 n.t n.t n.t n.t + ++ 16.0 13.8 14.27 8.49 16.21 6.87

MDA-MB-231/BCRP 2.51
A549 9.97 5.54
MT3/ADR 3.49