The cellular events during autophagy follow distinct stages: vesicle nucleation (formation of the isolation membrane/phagophore), vesicle elongation and completion (growth and closure), fusion of the double-membraned autophagosome with the lysosome to form an autolysosome, and lysis of the autophagosome inner membrane and breakdown of its contents inside the autolysosome. This process occurs at a basal level and is regulated by numerous different signaling pathways (see text for references). Shown here are only the regulatory pathways that have been targeted pharmacologically for experimental or clinical purposes. Inhibitors and activators of autophagy are shown in red and green, respectively. At the molecular level, Atg proteins form different complexes that function in distinct stages of autophagy. Shown here are the complexes that have been identified in mammalian cells, with the exception of Atg13 and Atg17 that have only been identified in yeast. The autophagy pathway has numerous proposed physiological functions; shown here are functions revealed by in vivo studies of mice that cannot undergo autophagy (see Table 1).