Figure 1.
The three-dimensional relationships are best seen in the models generated from MR images of a 27 year old nullipara. A. Oblique left inferolateral view showing structures related to perineal membrane. B. Same view with clitoral crus and vestibular bulb removed to show the perineal membrane cephalad to these structures, extending bilaterally to the ischiopubic rami. C. Same view with the perineal membrane removed to illustrate its relation to the compressor urethra and anterior portion of the levator ani. D. Left lateral supine view of structures with pubic bone removed to illustrate parallel nature of levator ani to the ventral perineal membrane and the dorsal fusion (DF) of these structures. Pubic bone (PB) – white; Clitoral Crus (CC) and Vestibular Bulb (VB) – dark pink; Urethra (U), Compressor Urethra (CU), and Bladder (B)– brown; Vagina (V)– light pink; Perineal Membrane (PM) – turquoise; Puboperineal Muscle (PPM); Perineal Body (PB) – dark blue; External Anal Sphincter (EAS) – dark red; Levator Ani (LA) – red. ©DeLancey 2008