Figure 3.
CG5336 encodes ELMO/Dced-12. (A) Drosophila ELMO is the ortholog of C. elegans CED-12 and human ELMO1. The N-termini of these proteins share predicted Armadillo repeats, while the C-terminal region contains a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain and proline-rich region. (B) The intron/exon organization of the CG5336/elmo locus is shown. The PiggyBac transposable element PB[c06760] is located in the first intron. (C) The molecular lesions obtained in an EMS screen for elmo mutants are indicated. (D) The molecular lesion in the EMS-induced allele elmo8C6 occurs in a conserved glycine at amino acid position 666 within the PH domain.