Figure 2.
Representative ECG recordings during sinus rhythm (A) and after AV ablation (B). Beat-to-beat variability parameters of the QT (C) and the RR (D) intervals during sinus rhythm and after AV ablation. Vertical arrows indicate P waves. All values shown as means ± SEM. *P < 0.05 versus sinus rhythm. ECG I-III, electrocardiographic leads similar to standard limb leads I, II and III; sinus, sinus rhythm; AV, atrioventricular; AV block, chaotic idioventricular escape rhythm after AV ablation; mean, the mean of the measured 40 consecutive QT or RR intervals (ms); min, the minimum of the measured 40 consecutive QT or RR intervals (ms); max, the maximum of the measured 40 consecutive QT or RR intervals (ms); SD, the standard deviation of the measured 40 consecutive QT or RR intervals (ms); RMSSD, the root mean square of the successive difference of the QT or RR intervals (ms); instability, QT or RR instability (ms); LTV, long-term variability of the QT or RR intervals (ms); STV, short-term variability of the QT or RR intervals (ms).