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. 2009 Apr 17;191(12):3861–3868. doi: 10.1128/JB.01313-08


A selection of genes regulated in response to a sublethal LL-37 dose

Category ORFa Description Fold changeb (time [min])c
Resistance NMB1955 Cadmium resistance 3.59 (30)
NMB1715 mtrD 2.12 (30)
NMB1763 Codes for putative toxin-activating protein 2.24 (30), 2.04 (60)
Capsule NMB0068 siaC 2.57 (30)
NMB0067 siaD 2.20 (30)
NMB0082 lipA 1.33 (30)
Other NMB0360 Codes for ampG-related protein 2.02 (30)
NMB0663 nspA 0.48 (60)
NMB1628 Codes for putative tspB protein 2.14 (30), 1.86 (60)
Hypothetical NMB1404 Hypothetical 3.86 (30), 2.63 (60)
NMB0660 Hypothetical 3.76 (30), 3.17 (60)
NMB1746 Hypothetical 3.28 (30), 3.37 (60)
Housekeeping NMB0140 30S (S10) ribosomal 1.06 (30), 1.03 (60)

Designations represent N. meningitidis Serogroup B genome sequence open reading frames (ORF) (27).


Fold change values represent the ratios of mRNA transcript levels in LL-37-treated strain MC58 to those detected in untreated strain MC58.


Values indicate whether the induced regulation occurred after 30 or 60 min of exposure to sublethal LL-37 doses.