Fig. 3.
A series of bright-field photomicrographs illustrating the localization of different Halász-knife isolations. A: example of the beginning of the isolation in the case of the ALC group at −1.3 mm posterior to bregma (this is also the starting level of the UALC group). B: beginning of the isolation group ACmid at −1.6 posterior to bregma. C: beginning level of the isolation group ACpost at bregma −1.8. Solid arrowhead shows strong granular staining of the magnocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus outside the isolation area. D: termination level of the ACmid isolation group at around bregma -2.3 mm. E: termination level of the isolation ACpost at bregma −2.8 mm. F: termination point of the ALC isolation group just after bregma −3.8 mm. Black arrows are pointing to the isolation cuts on each picture. 3V, third ventricle; f, fornix; ME, median eminence; ox, optic chiasm; SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus. Scale bar = 500 μm.