FIG. 1.
Activity and expression of C2GnTs. (a to c) Monosaccharides are depicted as geometric shapes, with GalNAc as a yellow square, galactose as a yellow circle, and GlcNAc as a blue square. In addition, the vertical arrows indicate that each branch can be further elaborated by additional saccharide linkages. (a) Biantennary core 2 O-glycans are generated when any of the three C2GnTs acts on the core 1 O-glycan disaccharide. (b) C2GnT2 can generate core 4 O-glycans from core 3 O-glycans by adding a GlcNAc to the initiating GalNAc. (c) C2GnT2, in addition to IGnT, also has the ability to generate branched polylactosamine repeats from linear polylactosamine repeats. The figure depicts distal I-branching as the GlcNAc is transferred to the predistal galactose, the preferential I-branching activity of C2GnT2. However, IGnT preferentially has central I-branching activity that adds GlcNAc on the internal galactose in Galβ1→4GlcNAcβ1→3Gal-R (69). (d) RNA expression of murine Gcnt3 (left panel) and Gcnt4 (right panel), which code for C2GnT2 and C2GnT3, respectively, as determined by qPCR. The data on single animals are graphed relative to testes expression. All values are means ± the standard errors of the mean (SEM).