PCR-RFLP analysis of Brucella LPS genes manAO-Ag, manBO-Ag, wbkD, wbkF, wboA and wa**. Panel A. Lanes: 1, molecular size markers; 2, manAO-Ag from B. melitensis 16 M uncut; 3, manAO-Ag from B. melitensis 16 M cut by AvaII; 4, manAO-Ag from B. neotomae cut by AvaII; 5, wbkF from B. melitensis 16 M uncut; 6, wbkF from B. melitensis 16 M cut by AluI; 7, wbkF from B. melitensis bv2 cut by AluI; 8, wbkF from B. abortus bv2 cut by AluI; 9, wbkF2* from B. melitensis 16 M uncut; 10, wbkF2* from B. canis uncut; 11, wbkF2* from B. melitensis 16 M cut by EcoRV; 12, wbkF2* from B. canis cut by EcoRV; 13, wboA from B. melitensis 16 M uncut; 14, wboA from B. melitensis 16 M cut by AluI; 15, wboA from B. abortus cut by AluI; 16, wa** from B. melitensis 16 M uncut; 17, wa** from B. melitensis 16 M cut by AvaII; 18, wa** from B. suis bv2 cut by AvaII; 19, wa** from B. melitensis 16 M cut by HinfI; 20, wa** from B. ovis cut by HinfI. Panel B. Lanes: 1, molecular size markers; 2, manBO-Ag from B. melitensis 16 M uncut; 3, manBO-Ag from B. pinnipedialis uncut; 4, manBO-Ag from B. melitensis 16 M cut by Sau3A; 5, manBO-Ag from B. melitensis bv2 cut by Sau3A; 6, manBO-Ag from B. abortus cut by Sau3A; 7, manBO-Ag from B. suis cut by Sau3A; 8, manBO-Ag from B. suis bv2 cut by Sau3A; 9, manBO-Ag from B. ovis cut by Sau3A; 10, manBO-Ag from B. pinnipedialis cut by Sau3A; 11, manBO-Agfrom B. ceti cut by Sau3A; 12, manBO-Agfrom B. melitensis 16 M cut by EcoRV; 13, manBO-Ag from B. abortus cut by EcoRV. Panel C. Lanes: 1, molecular size markers; 2, wbkD from B. melitensis 16 M uncut; 3, wbkD from B. abortus uncut; 4, wbkD from B. canis uncut; 5, wbkD from B. melitensis 16 M cut by Sau3A; 6, wbkD from B. abortus cut by Sau3A; 7, wbkD from B. canis cut by Sau3A.