Figure 1.
Immunoperoxidase for versican. (A) proestrus and (D) diestrus: the immunoreaction is seen as a dense network in the endometrial stroma, but absent in the myometrium. In both groups, the immunolabeling is stronger in the superficial stroma (SS) and only traces are observed in the interface between deep stroma (DS) and myometrium (M); (B) estrus and (C) metaestrous: the immunoreaction is observed in both superficial (SS) and deep stroma (DS). In these phases versican is also immunodetected in the internal layer of the myometrium (M); L: Lumen; SS: Superficial Stroma; DS: Deep Stroma; M: Myometrium. Scale bar: 200 μm. Higher Magnification micrographs show the localization of VER inside and outside the cells in proestrus (E), estrus (F) and diestrus (H), and mostly outside the cells in metaestrus (G). The reaction is absent from immune cells cytoplasm (arrows). Scale bar: 20 μm.