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. 2009 Apr 1;37(7):1496–1504. doi: 10.1124/dmd.109.026898


MS/MS experimental conditions for product ion, multiple reaction monitoring, and neutral loss studies

Analyte Q1 Q3 CE EP DP CXP
m/z V
Product ion
    1 CBN-Gluc 485.1 50-525 -20 to -35 -10 -50 to -70 -9 to -15 (2 s)
    2 THC-O-Gluc 505.3 50-510 -30 to -40 -10 -50 to -70 -9
    3 THC-COO-Gluc 519.3 50-525 -30 to -40 -10 -50 to -70 -9
    1 CBN 309.3 171.1 -40 -10 -89 -3
309.3 279.2 -42 -10 -91 -7
    2 Δ9-THC and CBD 313.3 191.2 -38 -10 -87 -3
313.3 245.3 -36 -10 -82 -5
    3 THC-OH 329.3 268.3 -38 -10 -69 -6
329.3 311.2 -25 -10 -65 -8
    4 THC-COOH 343.2 245.2 -40 -10 -82 -5
343.2 299.3 -29 -10 -75 -7
    5 CBN-Gluc 485.1 113.2 -29 -10 -61 -8
485.1 309.2 -27 -10 -76 -8
    6 Δ9-THC-Gluc and CBD-Gluc 489.3 313.1 -35 -10 -61 -8
489.3 374.9 -30 -10 -76 -9
    7 THC-O-Gluc 505.3 311.2 -44 -10 -56 -8
505.3 329.2 -31 -10 -59 -8
    8 THC-COO-Gluc 519.3 193.2 -25 -10 -47 -8
519.3 343.3 -33 -10 -36 -9
Neutral Loss of 176
    1 Loss of glucuronic acid (400-800 amu) -20 to -35 -10 -50 to -80 -9 to -15 (2 s)

CE, collision energy; EP, entrance potential; DP, declustering potential; CXP, collision cell exit potential; Gluc, glucuronide; MRM, multiple reaction monitoring.