Effect of nuclear and mitochondrial wild-type and R229Q OGG1 expression on cell survival following menadione, 8-oxodG and ionizing radiation exposure in KG-1 cells. KG-1 cells were transfected with nuclear (left panels) or mitochondrial (right panels) pCMV vector, wild-type, or R229Q expressing plasmids and exposed to menadione (Panels A and B), 8-oxodG nucleoside (Panels C and D), or ionizing radiation (Panels E and F). Seven days after treatments, cells were assayed for viability by flow cytometry. For each treatment, 10,000 cells were analyzed. Each column represents the average of three independent experiments (30,000 cells total) with standard deviation. Statistically significant differences in survival (p<0.05) are indicated with an asterisk. Panel B inset, anti-FLAG and cytochrome C western blots of 2 μg of mitochondrial extract of KG-1 cells transfected with mitochondrial pCMV vector (lane 1), wild-type (lane 2), or R229Q (lane 3) expressing plasmids.