Figure 3.
Desensitization in mutant channels E363A+P366C, T355A, T355C, and T355C+C314S. cGMP-activated current traces in the desensitized state of four mutant channels: E363A+P366C (A) at −60 mV, T355A (C), T355C (D), and T355C+C314S (F) at +60 mV. 1 mM cGMP was added as indicated by the solid horizontal black bars. (B) State-dependent modification in closed (solid triangle), open (open triangle), and desensitized (plus) states of mutant channel E363A+P366C in the presence of 2.5 mM MTSET. The plot shows the state-dependent modification calculated from the amplitude of the peak current (I) every 30 s in the closed state and 5 s in the open state, whereas in the desensitized state the values of current were measured from the peak (I) to the steady state (I) every 2 s. The values were normalized (I/Imax) to the peak current of control (Imax) at time zero. (E) State-dependent modification in closed (solid triangle), open (open triangle), and desensitized (solid circle) states for mutant channel T355C in the absence of 2.5 mM MTSET. The values of current were measured as in B. (G) Comparison of mutant channels T355C and T355C+C314S in desensitizing state in the absence (black open circle and square) and in the presence (black solid circle and square) of 5 mM DTT applied to bath solution. Symbols represent the amplitude of the peak current (I) measured every 30 s for both mutant channels and normalized (I/Imax) to peak current of control (Imax) at time zero.