Figure 5.
Serum autoantibodies and renal pathology in Roquinsan/san Sap−/− mice and reduction of the GC response in SAP-deficient Roquinsan/san mice is caused by B cell–extrinsic factors. (a, left) Representative staining of Hep-2 slides for detection of IgG ANA in the serum of 8-wk-old female Roquinsan/san and Roquinsan/san Sap−/− mice (n = 5 per group). (right) Detection of IgG anti-dsDNA serum antibodies in 6-mo-old female Roquinsan/san and Roquinsan/san Sap−/− mice determined by immunofluorescence staining using C. luciliae substrate. Data are representative of three independent experiments (n ≥ 5 per group). (b) Representative images of kidney sections stained with H&E (top) or viewed under an electron microscope (bottom) from 6-mo-old female Roquinsan/san Sap−/− mice. Roquinsan/san Sap−/− mice show slight mesangial expansion on H&E staining but no electron-dense deposits. Bars: (top) 100 µm; (bottom) 5 µm. (c) Score of nephritis severity in 6-mo-old female Roquin+/+, Roquinsan/san, and Roquinsan/san Sap−/− mice as determined by histological analysis according to the criteria given in Table S1 (available at Each symbol represents one mouse. Horizontal bars indicate medians. (d) Gating strategy for assessing the HEL-specific GC response (top) and graphic representation (bottom) of the total number of HEL-specific GC cells per spleen in mice with the indicated genotypes 7 d after cotransfer of SWHEL B cells and HEL2x-conjugated SRBCs. Data are representative of three independent experiments (n ≥ 4). Each symbol represents one mouse. (e) Gating strategy for determining HEL-specific extrafollicular plasma cells (top) and graphical representation (bottom) of the number of HEL-specific plasma cells 5 d after cotransfer into mice with the indicated genotypes. Data are representative of two independent experiments (n ≥ 3 per group). p-values are indicated on graphs.