Figure 3. Restoration of Ik-1 expression in Ikzf1-/- pro-B cells promotes B-lineage commitment.
Ikzf1-/- CD19+ clones were transduced with a control vector (MIGR1) or a derivative encoding Ik-1 (MIG-Ik-1) and analyzed 3 days after transduction. (a) Flow cytometry examining expression of indicated cell surface markers in Ik-1 transduced (top) and control (bottom) cells. Transduced cells are distinguished on the basis of GFP expression. (b) Left, relative expression of Csfr1 transcripts in Ikzf1-/- CD19+ cells transduced with MIG-IK-1 or MIGR1 (set to 100). Right, flow cytometry of CSF1R protein on the surface of Ikzf1-/- CD19+ cells transduced with MIGR1 (dashed line) or MIG-Ik-1 (solid line). Isotype control is shown in grey. Analyses are gated on GFPhi cells. All data are representative of three independent experiments.