Table 2.
Promoter predictions of different models
Training promoters used in model | PWM regions used in model | Predicted promotersa |
Differenceb | |
M. jannaschii genome | Randomized genome | |||
In vitro selectionc | BRE/TATAd | 5067 ± 2286 | 4042 ± 1940 | 1026 ± 348 |
Protein-coding genese | BRE/TATA | 2204 ± 849 | 1436 ± 665 | 768 ± 191 |
Protein-coding genes | Extendedf | 1386 ± 561 | 551 ± 323 | 835 ± 243 |
aThe mean number ± SD of total predicted promoters for 100 random assortments of the 134 mapped protein promoters between a training set (100 or 101) and a testing set (34 or 33). For each assortment, the threshold for each model was set to predict 50% of the 34 or 33 testing set promoters.
bDifference in number of predicted promoters between the M. jannaschii and randomized genomes.
cSixty promoters from Li et al. (14). Over the 100 replicates (see footnote a), the PWM of the model did not change, but the threshold was adjusted to detect 50% of the testing set promoters.
dThe BRE (9 nt) and the TATA box (8 nt) plus 4 nt on each side.
eThe 100 or 101 promoters in the training set for each of the 100 replicates (see footnote a).
fBRE/TATA-box, PPE/Inr, and spacer score (see Materials and Methods section).