ALIXBro1-V was expressed using a split YFP expression system. (A) Co-expression of both ALIXBro1-V YFP fusion protein halves in HEK293 cells resulted in complementation (right panel). ALIXBro1-V expression thus induces ALIXBro1-V dimerization in vivo.
(B) Expression of CHMP4BΔC-ALIX revealed inclusions partly localized along the plasma membrane (left panel).
(C) Co-expression of ALIXBro1-V YFP fusion constructs and CHMP4BΔC-ALIX; red fluorescence CHMP4BΔC-ALIX (left panel), green fluorescence dimeric ALIX (middle panel) and the lower panel show the co-localization: CHMP4BΔC-ALIX recruits ALIXBro1-V dimers in vivo into large inclusions. Control staining with DAPI is shown in all panels.