FIG. 1.
Comparison between E42 and E28 pancreas in growth potential, function, and rejection patterns. A: The difference in size and insulin secretion of the E42 and E28 pancreas transplanted under the kidney capsule of NOD-SCID mice (black [E42] and white [E28] bars, respectively). The graft size was determined 6 weeks following transplantation. B: Histological (hematoxylin and eosin) evaluation of E42 and E28 pancreatic grafts 1 month after transplantation under the kidney capsule of NOD-SCID or C57BL mice. C: Histological (hematoxylin and eosin) evaluation of E28 pancreatic grafts 10 days after transplantation in the omentum of Nude or Lewis rats. (A high-quality representation of this figure is available in the online issue.)