Figure 2.
GFAP positive astrocytes are reduced in APP mice when NOS2 is genetically deleted and their contact with blood vessels is significantly reduced in mice with high vascular amyloid. Panels A-F show GFAP immunohistochemistry of astrocytes surrounding blood vessels in APPSw (A and B), APPSwDI (C and D) and APPSwDI/NOS2−/− (E and F) mice. Panels A, C and E show 400× magnification, scale bar = 6.25µm. Panels B, D and F show 600× magnification using differential interference contrast (DIC), scale bar = 4.2µm. In panels B, D and F the arrows indicate a visible blood vessel wall while the asterisk shows an example of a GFAP-positive process that was counted. Panel G shows average results of stereological counts of intact astrocyte processes contacting blood vessels ± SEM. Panel H shows average stereological quantification of astrocyte cell number ± SEM. ** indicates P<0.01 compared to wildtype and NOS2−/−.