LD structure of a 52-kb region spanning EPHX1 and extended promoter in
European Americans. EPHX1 genotypes from HapMap
were downloaded, and the LD was determined using Haploview software. D′
values are displayed in the squares (empty squares have a pairwise D′
1.00). Red squares show high pairwise LD, gradually coloring down to white
squares of low pairwise LD. The black triangles indicate the haplotype blocks.
There are three haplotype blocks in this region (one block in the large
promoter region that spans into the first two exons of the gene, one block
that spans exon 3 and nearby intronic regions, and one block that spans exons
4–9). At the upper portion gene structure region, red ovals indicate the
coding polymorphisms in exons 3 (rs1051740) and 4 (rs2234922), which are not
in LD with each other, nor with the promoter region.