Evidence for neuronal process malformation in AChE-S transgenic mice. (Upper) Example micrographs from control (Ct) and AChE-S transgenics (S) immunolabeled for NFT200. (Lower) Cumulative lengths (averages ± SEM) of all axonal or dendritic segments displaying a corkscrew-like pattern are displayed on high-magnification micrographs from the parietal cortex of 4-month-old or 8- to 10-month-old AChE-S (S) and AChE-R (R) transgenics and control (Ct) mice. Numbers were derived from three coronal sections containing the somatosensory cortex, 1–2 mm posterior to bregma, from each of six male mice per group. Analysis with the Seescan Image Analysis system (Seescan plc, Cambridge, U.K.) was performed on 32 subfields of 150 μm (width) × 100 μm (height; total area of 0.48 mm2). *, P < 0.001.