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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Asthma. 2008 Oct;45(8):688–695. doi: 10.1080/02770900802178306


Studies with a long-term follow-up asthma (minimum 10 years) and breastfeeding.

Author and Year Definition of asthma Assessed at ages Duration of breastfeeding Breastfeeding (BF) effects Smoking Respiratory tract infections (RTI)
Saarinen et al. 19954 Asthma defined as either:
• allergic asthma diagnosed
• ≥ 3 episodes of wheezing (at 3–10 years)
• wheezing history + ≥3 respirat. Infect, (at 3–5 yrs)
• wheezing history + rhinoconjuctival symptoms
3 years
5 years
10 years
17 years
≤ 1 months
1–6 months ≥
6 months
Protective against infections; Protective against respiratory allergy at 17 years (BF > 1 month) Controlled for the effect of smoking; smoking for 5 yrs post-delivery is not associated with atopic disease in adolescence. No association between susceptibility to RTI in infancy and atopic disease in adolescence.
Wright et al. 20017 • Physician diagnosis of asthma + symptoms on ≥2 questionnaires
• Recurrent wheeze (≥ 4 episodes during past yr)
6 years
9 years
11 years
13 years
< 4 months
≥ 4 months
Children ≤ 3 years: lower prevalence of recurrent wheeze (BF ≥4 months); Children >3 years: higher prevalence of recurrent wheeze if the mother had asthma. Controlled for the effect of smoking Predominately infectious wheeze until 6 years included. The authors acknowledge a wheeze-asthma overlap.
Takemura et al. 20019 Questionnaire:
• Ever asthma
• Attack of wheezing
• Physician diagnosis
Age 6–13
0–3 months Increased risk of asthma in children who were breastfed. Smoking at the time of the survey, not in pre- or postnatal. Not included
Sears et al. 20026 • Questionnaires
• Pulmonary function tests
• Bronchial challenge tests
• Allergy skin tests
From age
9–26 yrs,
every 2–5 yrs
≥ 1 months
Increased risk of asthma (BF ≥ 1 month); Controlled for the effect of smoking Not included
Burgess et al. 20068 Questionnaire:
• Child asthma last 6 mths
• Asthma medications
• Days missed in school
• Asthma-related hospital admission
14 years 0
<3 weeks
3–6 weeks
7 weeks-3
≥ 4 months
Increased asthma prevalence in BF children of asthmatic women; no association with asthma at 14 years Maternal smoking was not included in the multivariate analyses; it was associated with the decision and duration of BF. Not included
Matheson et al. 200710 Questionnaire:
• Attacks of asthma or wheezy breathing last 12 months
13 years
20 years
31 years
First 3 months BF reduced the risk for asthma in children with atopic mothers at 7 years, but increased at >7 years; no effect in children of non-atopic mothers. Maternal smoking was controlled for; it was related to not exclusive breastfeeding. Controlled for pleurisy & pneumonia. Exclusive BF was protective against pneumonia or pleurisy and bronchitis.