Figure 3.
Validation of model predictions. Particles with varying probe concentrations ([P]o), stripe width (d), and numbers (Np) were incubated with 500 attomoles of complementary, fluorescein-labeled target and their fluorescence was measured over time. (a) Raw data showing the average particle signal multiplied by the number of particles versus incubation time. (b, left) Dimensionless signal versus dimensionless time showing the collapse of the data from (a) onto a universal curve. The dashed line represents a fit of Equation 20 to the data with kdDgel = 5.5 × 10-5 m2s-2M-1 and Fe,FITC = 2.54 × 1012. (b, right) The observed fluorescence plotted against the model fit. The dashed line (x = y) represents a perfect fit and is shown to guide the eye.