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. 2009 Jun 5;3:17. doi: 10.3389/neuro.11.017.2009

Table 1.

The most important hardware model parameters, the type of physical quantity used for their implementation, their configurability and an estimation of uncertainty. The first four columns show their typical biological interpretation and the resulting value ranges. The translation between both domains depends on the chosen speedup and the desired biological parameter value ranges. The given estimations (some being educated guesses) of configuration uncertainty reflect the current state of available methods to measure, to adjust or to calibrate the values, and may not necessarily reflect hardware limitations. The uncertainty of Ee is load-dependent, the relation is not yet sufficiently analyzed.

Biological Interpretation Hardware parameter implementation
Param Unit Min Max Physical quantity Configurable Estimation of uncertainty (%)
Cm nF 0.2 0.2 Capacitance No 10
Gl nS 20 40 Current Yes 10
El mV −80 −55 Voltage Yes 2
Ei mV −80 −55 Voltage Yes 2
Ee mV −80 20 Voltage Yes Unknown
Vth mV −80 −55 Voltage Yes 5
Vreset mV −80 −55 Voltage Yes 10
τsyn ms 30 50 Current Yes 25
gmax nS 1 100 Current Yes 25