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. 2009 Jun 18;3:8. doi: 10.3389/neuro.09.008.2009

Table 1.

Activations observed for the comparison of the experimental condition with the resting baseline.

Region Probability atlas Probability (%) L/R k t-value x, y, z
Middle occipital gyrus R 3258 11.42 34, −70, 8
Middle temporal gyrus hOC5 (V5/MT+) 20 R 8.5 48, −64, 0
Middle temporal gyrus hOC5 (V5/MT+) 40 L 1452 9.13 −46, −66, 0
Middle occipital gyrus hOC5 (V5/MT+) 20 L 7.69 −38, −72, 0
Cerebellum R 590 8.39 16, −42, −48
Superior occipital gyrus R 10652 12 24, −80, 24
Middle occipital gyrus hOC5 (V5/MT+) 40 L 11.42 −44, −68, 4
Middle occipital gyrus hOC5 (V5/MT+) 30 R 7.82 46, −66, 2
Calcarine gyrus Area 17 100 R 7.53 14, −70, 14
Inferior frontal gyrus Area 45 10 L 335 8.68 −34, 36, 14
Insula lobe OP 2 60 R 683 8.37 32, −22, 18
SMA Area 6 70 R 414 7.86 8, −10, 52
Middle cingulate cortex Area 6 30 R 5.58 6, −4, 44
Insula lobe OP 2 50 L 1027 7.41 −36, −18, 20
Calcarine gyrus Area 17 50 L 110 7.02 −12, −70, 18
Precentral gyrus Area 4a 70 R 690 6.7 38, −16, 52
Paracentral lobule Area 4a 50 L 204 6.58 −10, −26, 62
Superior parietal lobule Area 2 10 L 109 6.28 −18, −54, 52
Middle temporal gyrus L 267 5.85 −50, −30, 2

Clusters of significant activation passing a threshold of p = 0.001 (FWE corrected for multiple comparisons, k = 85 voxels and t = 4.50, p < 0.005, FDR corrected for multiple comparisons) and the number of active voxels within a cluster. The coordinates refer to the peak voxel within a cluster and are given according to the MNI space. Activation peaks are labeled according to anatomical probabilistic maps of the visual cortex (Eickhoff et al., 2007; Malikovic et al., 2007).