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. 2009 May 8;103(9):1529–1545. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcp095

Table 1.

Key terms and components relating to adaptive accuracy of individuals and populations

Term Definition Derivation/symbol
Adaptive optimum Predefined or estimated point in phenotypic space yielding maximum fitness θ, E[θ]
Variance in adaptive optimum Population variance in value of optimum Var[θ]
Individual: adaptive inaccuracy A genotype's average squared phenotypic distance from optimum s(zTE[θ])2 + sVar[θ] + sVd
Population: maladaptation (population inaccuracy or load) A population's average squared phenotypic distance from optimum s(E[z]–Eθ[θ])2 + sVT + sVar[θ] + sE[Vd]
Genotypic target Expected phenotype produced by a genotype, i.e. mean phenotype across a range of environments zT
Mean genotypic deviation from optimum The difference between the population mean and the optimum zTE[θ]
Phenotypic imprecision Phenotypic variance around the genotypic target, caused by developmental noise, environmental variance, etc. Vd
Population mean deviance (from optimum) The difference between the population mean and the optimum E[z] – Eθ[θ]
Population imprecision Phenotypic variance in population caused by genetic variation (genotypic target variance), environmental variance, and developmental noise (phenotypic imprecision) VT + E[Vd]