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. 2009 May 8;103(9):1529–1545. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcp095

Table 6.

Analysis of variance of population and environment effects on precision (coefficients of variation) of gland–stigma distance (GSD) and gland–anther distance (GAD) for five populations of Dalechampia scandens, as measured on plants in the field vs. the greenhouse (GH)

Source of variation SS d.f. MS F P-value
(a) Precision of GSD
Population 0·013789 4 0·003447 0·912626 0·534238
Field vs. GH 0·000103 1 0·000103 0·027232 0·876932
Error 0·015109 4 0·003777
Total 0·029001 9
(b) Precision of GAD
Population 0·020052 4 0·005013 3·310499 0·136489
Field vs. GH 0·004259 1 0·004259 2·81261 0·168832
Error 0·006057 4 0·001514
Total 0·030368 9