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. 2009 Mar 22;103(9):1445–1457. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcp057

Studies that have evaluated potential determinants of network structure

Interaction type Explanatory variable Predicted network attribute No. of networks Result Reference
Plant–pollinator Abundance Nestedness 1 Abundance partly predicts nestedness Ollerton et al. (2003)
Plant–pollinator Abundance Nestedness 1 Abundance partly predicts degree Dupont et al. (2003)
Plant–seed disperser Abundance Pairwise interactions 1 Abundance explains 83 % of variation of interactions Burns (2006)
Plant–ant, plant–pollinator Abundance Strength asymmetry 1 Abundance partly predicts strength asymmetry Vázquez et al. (2007)
Plant–pollinator Abundance and trait matching (complementarity and barriers) Connectance–richness and nested–richness correlations 40 Abundance and complementarity (but not barriers) separately partly predict these correlations Santamaría and Rodríguez-Gironés (2007)
Plant–pollinator Abundance and trait matching (complementarity and barriers) Size-specific interaction patterns 1 Abundance, complementarity and barriers predict interactions among size classes of plants and flower visitors Stang et al. (2009)
Plant–pollinator Abundance and trait matching (exploitation barriers) Interaction asymmetry, nestedness 1 Abundance and exploitation barriers predict number of interaction partners and degree asymmetry Stang et al. (2007)
Theoretical Abundance and trait matching (complementarity) Nestedness 2 Abundance explains most variation in nestedness, but trait complementarity also contributes Krishna et al. (2008)
Plant–pollinator Abundance and trait matching (exploitation barriers) Plant degree 1 Abundance and exploitation barriers explain 71 % of variation in plant degree Stang et al. (2006)
Plant–pollinator Abundance and spatio-temporal distribution Connectance, nestedness, interaction evenness, strength asymmetry, overall network structure 1 Abundance and spatio-temporal distribution predict aggregate properties, but only partially overall structure Vázquez et al. (2009)
Plant–seed disperser Abundance, geographic range, phenological spread and phylogenetic structure Degree 2 Abundance, geographic range, phenological spread and phylogenetic structure partly predict degree Jordano and Bascompte unpubl. (cited in Bascompte and Jordano, 2007)
Plant–ant Body size Degree 8 Body size partly predicts degree (R2 = [0·05, 0·20]) Chamberlain and Holland (2009)
Simulation Evenness of species observation records Connectance, nestedness, degree distribution, strength asymmetry, interaction evenness, generality, standardized diversity (H2′) 0 Evenness in species observation records influences network statistics Blüthgen et al. (2008)
Anemone–anemonefish Geographic range Nestedness 1 Geographic range partly predicts nestedness Ollerton et al. (2007)
Plant–pollinator, plant–seed disperser Interaction frequency Shape of degree distribution 12 (p–p), 5 (p–sd) Interaction frequency predicts degree distribution Vázquez (2005)
Plant–ant Interaction intimacy Nestedness and compartmentalization 19 Interaction intimacy explains both nestedness and compartmentalization Guimarães et al. (2007)
Plant–hemiptera–ant Interaction type Network specialization (H2′) 1 H2′ higher for plant–hemiptera than ant–hemiptera and ant–plant associations Blüthgen et al. (2006a)
Plant–ant, plant–pollinator, plant–seed disperser Interaction type, species richness, total frequency, network asymmetry Network specialization (H2'), species-level specialization (d') 51 Interaction type influences specialization after correcting for the effect of total frequency Blüthgen et al. (2007)
Plant–pollinator Latitude, sampling effort Degree Sampling effort partly predicts degree Ollerton and Cramer (2002)
Simulation Trait matching and phylogenetic relatedness Nestedness 1 Trait complementarity and phylogenetic relationships can result in observed network patterns Rezende et al. (2007a)
Plant–seed disperser Phylogenetic structure Degree, species strength and ecological–phylogenetic distance correlation 36 (p–p), 37 (p–sd) There is a detectable phylogenetic signal in some of the networks analysed Rezende et al. (2007b)
Plant–pollinator Sampling effort Degree–frequency correlation 1 Sampling effort does not drive this correlation Vázquez and Aizen (2006)
Plant–pollinator Sampling effort, species richness and number of links Nestedness 4 Nestedness is more influenced by sampling than by species richness and number of links Nielsen and Bascompte (2007)
Plant–pollinator Sampling effort, species richness, richness ratio, precipitation Connectance, number of links 8 Sampling effort, species richness and richness ratio influence connectance and number of links Devoto et al. (2005)
Simulation Spatial aggregation and scale of animal movement Connectance, nestedness, strength asymmetry, interaction evenness, CV of rare interactions 0 Spatial aggregation and animal movement influence network properties Morales and Vázquez (2008)
Plant–seed disperser Spatial distribution and trait matching Occurrence of pairwise interactions 1 Spatio-temporal segregation and trait matching partly explain absence of interactions Jordano et al. (2006)
Plant–pollinator Species richness Connectance 24 Connectance decreases with increasing richness Thébault and Fontaine (2008)
Plant–pollinator Species richness Connectance and other metrics Species richness predicts network attributes Olesen et al. (2006)
Plant–pollinator, plant–seed disperser Species richness Connectance, number of links 33 (p–p), 19 (p–sd) Connectance decreases and number of links increases with increasing richness Jordano (1987)
Plant–pollinator Species richness Degree asymmetry 18 Asymmetric specialization increasing with increasing richness Vázquez and Aizen (2004)
Theoretical, plant–pollinator Species richness Degree distribution, nestedness 5 Truncation of degree distribution and nestedness depend on network size Medan et al. (2007)
Plant–pollinator Species richness Modularity, nestedness 51 Networks >150 plants always modular, <50 never; most networks nested Olesen et al. (2007)
Plant–ant Species richness Nestedness 4 Nestedness increases with increasing richness Guimarães et al. (2006)
Plant–pollinator, plant–seed disperser Species richness Nestedness 25 (p–p), 27 (p–sd) Nestedness increases with increasing richness Bascompte et al. (2003)
Plant–pollinator Species richness Proportion of species with only one link (extreme specialists) 23 Proportion of species with one link increases with network size Vázquez and Stevens (2004)
Simulation Species richness of network core Shape of degree distribution 0 Truncation increases with increasing network core Guimarães et al. (2005)
Plant–pollinator Species richness, latitude Connectance 29 Connectance decreases with increasing richness Olesen and Jordano (2002)
Plant–pollinator, plant–seed disperser Species richness, richness ratio Shape of degree distribution 29 (p–p), 24 (p–sd) Species richness and richness ratio may determine truncation of degree distribution Guimarães et al. (2007)
Plant–pollinator Temporal variation (between years) Between-year similarity, matrix size, connectance, degree centralization, clustering, nestedness, average distance, network diameter 1 Aggregate network properties temporally invariant, but identity of interactions highly variable Petanidou et al. (2008)
Plant–pollinator Temporal variation (between years) Between-year similarity, matrix size, connectance, degree distribution, nestedness 1 Aggregate network properties temporally invariant, but identity of interactions highly variable Chacoff and Vázquez (unpubl.)
Plant–pollinator Temporal variation (between years) Number of unique links, comparison of entire matrix composition, nestedness, centrality scores 1 Invariant nestedness, high variation in identity of generalized core and composition of reciprocally specialized groups Alarcón et al. (2008)
Plant–pollinator Temporal variation (within and between years) Similarity, matrix size, connectance, linkage level, shape of degree distribution 1 Aggregate properties temporally invariant, but identity of interactions highly variable Olesen et al. (2008)
Plant–pollinator Temporal variation (within year) Matrix size, connectance, assemblage similarity, shape of degree distribution 1 Month-to-month fluctuation in partners' identity, matrix size and connectance Basilio et al. (2006)