Figure 6. A dominant-repressive form of TCF7L2 promotes ectopic and precocious oligodendrocyte specification.
a-f) Expression vectors for TCF7L2 or TCF7L2-EnR were electroporated into the neural tube of E2.5 chick embryos and harvested at E5.5. The spinal cord sections were analyzed by in situ hybridization with probes to TCF7L2 (a), Sox10 (b-d), Pdgfrα (e) and Mbp (f) as indicated. Red zigzags indicate the electroporated side (EP). The boxed area in c is shown with a larger magnification in d. Arrows in c-e indicate ectopic expression of Sox10 and Pdgfrα detected on the electroporated side of chick neural tubes. g-i) In situ hybridization analysis in the chick neural tube electroporated with LEF1 (g, h) and LEF1-EnR (i) with probes to LEF1 (g) and Sox10 (h,i). Arrowheads in a-i indicate endogenous Sox10 expression. j-s) Expression of mRNA transcripts for TCF7L2 (j,o), Pdgfrα (k,p), Plp (l,q), and Mbp (m,r) and Gfap (n,s) was analyzed in situ on spinal cord sections of WT and TCF7L2 null animals at E17.5 as indicated by arrows. Scale bars in a-c and f-i: 100 μm; in j,o and k-s: 200 μm.