Fig. 5.
Imaging findings for 59-year-old man with local tumor progression after radiofrequency ablation are presented. Electrode was inserted into tumor parallel to gallbladder wall.
A. Contrast-enhanced CT scan obtained during arterial phase shows 3.0-cm hepatocellular carcinoma (arrow) adjacent to gallbladder in liver segment V.
B. Oblique sonogram obtained during radiofrequency ablation shows hypoechoic mass adjacent to gallbladder. Single ablation with 3-cm single straight electrode (arrows) was performed for 12 minutes. Also, note 3-cm active tip of electrode between electronic calipers.
C. Contrast-enhanced CT scan obtained immediately after radiofrequency ablation shows low-attenuation ablation zone with peripheral hyperemia (arrow).
D. Contrast-enhanced CT scan obtained three months after radiofrequency ablation shows nodular enhancing lesion (arrow) at inferomedial aspect of ablation zone that is indicative of local tumor progression.