Expression of phospho-JNK1, phospho-c-Jun and c-Jun activity in TG neurons at Day 1, 3, and 5 postadministration of mineral oil and mustard oil ( +: present, −: absent). Panel A: Representative pictures of phospho-JNK1 (46 KD), phospho-c-Jun (39 KD) and β-actin (40 KD). Panels B, C, D: Bar graph summarizing the relative density of phospho-JNK1 (Panel B), phospho-c-Jun (Panel C) (as the ratio to the value of b-actin) and c-Jun activity (Panel D). MO, mustard oil. *, p <0.05; the value from the group with mustard oil treatment vs. mineral oil treatment (n=5 in each group). Open bar, mineral oil treatment; hatched bar, mustard oil treatment.