VIP decreased the glycogen content in CE cells (A) and the VIP antagonist (SN)VIPhyb (5 × 10−7 M) attenuated the VIP effect (B). For A: 11 pairs of corneoscleral explants were used. Corneal cups from each pair were used as control vs VIP (10−8 M)-treated. After a 15 min treatment, the glycogen level in CE cells from the VIP-pretreated corneal cups decreased to 0.683±0.104–fold of the control. The results were combined from four separate experiments. For B: Pooled corneosceral explants were used. The relative glycogen levels in CE cells from the control, 10−8 M-treated, and 10−8 M VIP plus 5 × 10−7 M (SN)VIPhyb-treated corneal cups were 1±0.14 (N=7), 0.59±0.07 (N=6), and 0.79±0.03 (N=4), respectively. The significance levels for control vs VIP-treated and VIP-treated vs VIP plus (SN)VIPhyb-treated corneal cups were p=0.01 and p=0.05, respectively.