Table 6.
Primer | Species chromosome map location |
cat | mouse | horse | human | rhesus monkey | |
FH2309R† | - | 8, 13 | - | - | - |
FH2361R | 151419 | - | 14+ | 8- | 11+, 19+, 20- |
FH2004R | 199169 | - | - | - | - |
vWF.X | - | 4-, 19+ | 2+, 3- | 4+, 22- | 11- |
PEZ17R | [100 BLAST hits] | - | - | - | - |
FH2107R | - | - | - | 10+ | - |
FH2017F | 135908 | - | Un+/−, 1+, 16+/−, 17-, 29 | 2+,3+,5+,13-,X- | 1+, 7-, 13+ |
Zinc Finger R | 202367 | - | X- | - | - |
*All primer sequences utilized in the Finnzymes canine 19-plex were searched in both the BLAT ( database and the BLAST ( database to assess whether certain primers anneal to non-canine species. The chromosome map locations for each species that showed sequence homology with particular primers are indicated in the table above.
†Sequence homology only confirmed by the BLAST search tool.