Figure 4. Subjective rating of feeling.
("How comfortable do you presently feel (with respect to pain, burn, itch etc.) about your wart covered region?") with visual analogue scale (VAS) (0 = extremely uncomfortable, 100 = free of complaints) before beginning of the treatment (morning of day of first PDT treatment before administering the cream) and after 3, 6 and 9 weeks (given as minimum, percentiles of 25, median, percentiles of 75, and maximum (box and whiskers graph)).
Medians from left to right:
VIS+wIRA treated groups:
Group 1: ALA+VIS+wIRA: 16 / 25 / 40 / 85
Group 2: PLC+VIS+wIRA: 41 / 50 / 87 / 99
VIS treated groups:
Group 3: ALA+VIS: 15 / 37 / 33 / 50
Group 4: PLC+VIS: 18 / 27 / 33 / 32