Figure 11.
Stable expression of the SH2B1β nuclear export mutant [SH2B1β(ΔNES)] fails to enhance NGF-induced transcription of uPAR, Mmp3, and Mmp10. PC12 cells stably expressing GFP, GFP-SH2B1β(WT), or GFP-SH2B1B(ΔNES) were incubated in serum-free medium overnight and then with or without 50 ng/ml NGF for 6 h. The NGF-dependent induction of mRNA for uPAR (A), Mmp3 (B), and Mmp10 (C) was quantified using QT-PCR. Target gene expression was normalized first to levels of GAPDH and then to levels of gene expression seen in GFP control cells treated with NGF. Means and range are shown for two separate experiments.