Paired pulse synaptic plasticity of field potentials in the GCL after LOT stimulation. (a) Top: Diagram illustrating the stimulation paradigm. MC – mitral cell, GC – granule cell, LOT – lateral olfactory tract. Middle: Example trace following LOT paired-pulse stimulation (80ms interstimulus interval [ISI]). (b) Paired pulse ratio of the evoked positive potential, corresponding to granule cell field EPSP, B6129 (filled black dots, n=7), PrP−/− (open dots, n=9), NSE-PrP (filled grey dots, n=10). (c) Paired pulse ratio of the evoked negative potential, corresponding to mitral cell field IPSP. Double asterisk indicates significant differences between both control groups and PrP−/− (one-way ANOVA); single asterisk indicates significance from B6129 (one-way ANOVA with post-hoc PLSD). All significance indicates p<0.05.