Fig 6.
TAK-779 and T-20 sensitivities of HIV-gpt viruses pseudotyped with envelopes containing wild-type gp120 or gp120 highly adapted to use CCR5(HHMH). (A) TAK-779 inhibition curves. Left: TAK-779 dose response assays performed using HeLa-CD4 cells expressing a high amount of CCR5(HHMH) (1.4 × 105 molecules/cell). Right: TAK-779 dose response assays using HeLa-CD4 cells expressing large amounts of wild-type CCR5 (1.9 × 105/cell). (B) T-20 inhibition curves. Left: T-20 dose response assays using HeLa-CD4 cells expressing high amounts of CCR5(HHMH). Right: T-20 dose response assays using HeLa-CD4 cells expressing high (1.9 × 105 molecules/cell) or low (6.0 × 103 molecules/cell) amounts of wild-type CCR5. Data are averages of 3 independent experiments performed in duplicate. Error bars are S.E.M.