FIG. 5.
(A) Liposome disruption time courses with WT myr-μ1N (top) and myr-μ1N-RGKGR (bottom). Liposome disruption was measured at 1-min intervals by fluorescence dequenching of encapsulated CF, FD10, or FD40. Between the 4- and 5-min time points, peptide dissolved in DMSO was added to a final concentration of 10, 5, or 2 μg/ml and 5% DMSO. Alternatively, DMSO alone was added as a vehicle control. Between the 25- and 26-min time points, addition of detergent induced complete dequenching. Data are shown normalized with respect to the background fluorescence before addition of peptide (0%) and the total signal after complete dequenching (100%). Curves are the means of the results from three experiments performed with at least two different liposome preparations, and each shaded region represents the mean ± one standard deviation. (B) Endpoints (at 25 min) of the results shown in panel A. DMSO controls are duplicated in the top and bottom panels for clarity.