Migration characteristics of DC subsets in lung and BAL fluid during primary RSV infection. (A) Lungs of naïve mice were used for gating strategies to identify the different cDC populations. R1, CD103+ cDC; R2, CD11bhi cDC; R3, pulmonary macrophages; SSC, side scatter; FSC, forward scatter. (B) At several time points after primary RSV and mock infections, the absolute numbers of CD103+ CD11bhi cDC, macrophages, and pDC (CD11clow, mPDCA-1+, and CD45R/B220+) were determined in the lungs. (C) Similarly, absolute numbers of CD103+ and CD11bhi cDC and alveolar macrophages in the BAL fluid were determined. The experiment was performed twice with five mice per time point. Average values of absolute DC numbers per mouse lung are depicted. Error bars represent the standard errors of the means (SEM) (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ns, not significant).