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. 2009 May 8;75(13):4297–4306. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02549-08


Mean, CV, and percentage of Poisson variability for agar reference plates and mean, median, and CV of RE by surface material, target concentration, and sampling method

Surface Targeta Reference agarb
RE (%)c
No. of samples Mean (CFU/100 cm2) CV (%) % of Poisson variability Sampling method No. of samples Mean Median CV (%)
Steel Low (3 runs) 48 8.3 230 510 Swab 36 3.4 0 550
Wipe 27 31 13 160
Vacuum 27 5.5 4.2 91
Medium (3 runs) 48 38 30 140 Swab 36 6.5 6.1 80
Wipe 27 22 17 82
Vacuum 27 4.7 3.2 82
High (3 runs) 48 270 19 240 Swab 35 5.0 3.8 98
Wipe 27 18 15 56
Vacuum 27 3.7 3.0 78
Carpet Low (2 runs) 32 1.8 190 190 Swab 24 12 0 250
Wipe 18 120 4.5 220
Vacuum 18 6.3 2.1 130
Medium (4 runs)d 64 17 97 300 Swab 48 14 7.7 120
Wipe 36 21 12 110
Vacuum 36 3.7 2.0 120
High (3 runs) 48 190 26 270 Swab 36 12 8.6 96
Wipe 26 23 17 66
Vacuum 27 4.7 2.7 91

Target deposition densities were approximately 3, 30, and 200 CFU/100 cm2 for low, medium, and high, respectively.


The CV for agar results is 100% × the within-run standard deviation/agar mean; the percentage of Poisson variability is 100% × CV/Poisson CV, where Poisson CV = 100% × expected standard deviation/mean = 100% × (mean)1/2/mean.


RE (%) based on the reference agar is 100% × the mean (over all runs) of the mean (over all samples) of the ratio of the method result (based on a single sampling pass) to the mean agar result.


A single carpet run was intended to be low but was considered to be medium based on the agar results.