Fig. 1.
Brain landmarks used in the present study: (A) T1-weighted mid-sagittal slice showing midline landmarks; (B) frontolateral view of the 3D reconstructed left cerebral surface with landmarks; (C) posterolateral view of the 3D reconstructed left cerebral and cerebellar surface with landmarks. Midline landmarks: 1, anterior corpus callosum; 2, superior corpus callosum; 3, posterior corpus callosum; 4, centroid of mammillary body; 5, superior pons; 6, inferior pons; 7, superior cerebellum; 8, inferior cerebellum; 9, posterior cerebellum. Surface landmarks: 10, left frontal pole; 11, left vertex (on precentral gyrus); 12, left occipital pole; 13, left temporal pole; 14, left inferior termination of central sulcus; 15, left maximum cerebellar breadth.