Fig. 2.
Firing rate maps and cluster projections recorded from the same tetrode for interleaved CR and RF test sessions. Recordings were stable across deprivation conditions in both the CR (A) and RF (B) tasks. Rate maps compare the spatial firing patterns of the same CA1 neurons matched across deprivation conditions in the CR (4 neurons) and RF (5 neurons) tasks. The legend shows firing rate in each pixel (spikes/s). (A) Most units fired in different patterns across deprivation conditions in the CR task. Some cells fired in the same locations but at different rates (cells 1 and 3), others fired in different locations (cells 2 and 4), and others fired exclusively in one condition (see Fig. 4.). (B) Most neurons fired in stable patterns across deprivation conditions in the RF task (cells 3–5), while others fired in different locations (cell 1) or in the same location at different rates (cell 2). Only 1 neuron recorded during RF fired exclusively in 1 condition. The cluster plots show the waveform peaks on 2 of the tetrode wires (max x, y = 254 μV).