Fig. 4.
Disjunctive coding in the CR task. Firing rate maps for the 3 neurons recorded in the CR task are shown across deprivation conditions. Cells 2 and 3 fired exclusively in 1 deprivation condition, showing binary responses. Cell 1 (200 μV max) coded the conjunction of goal and location, firing only when the “food” goal box occupied the right maze arm. Cell 2 (198 μV) fired in the choice point only during approach to the “water” goal box, while cell 3 (178 μV max) fired in the start arm only during approach to the “food” goal box. (Inset) Firing rate maps obtained for cell 3 after parsing the data file into right-, middle-, and left-going trajectories. Cells that fired discriminately in the start arm in different deprivation conditions did not fire selectively depending on the trajectory taken by the rat. The legend shows firing rate (spikes/s).