Fig. 4.
In vitro assays with purified recombinant PHS1 using different substrates. (A) S. lycopersicum (M82) monoterpene profile obtained by dipping a leaf in MTBE. Peaks labeled 1–5 are the same as in Fig. 1A. (B) GC analysis of the in vitro-coupled reaction catalyzed by NDPS1 and PHS1 and using IPP and DMAPP as substrates. (C) GC analysis of products of the reaction catalyzed by PHS1 with NPP as the substrate. (D) GC analysis of products of the reaction catalyzed by PHS1 with GPP as the substrate. Labeled peaks are as follows: 7, myrcene; 8 and 9, ocimene isomers. A small linalool peak (equivalent to the size of α-phellandrene peak (peak 3) in this chromatograph is also observed at retention time (Rt) 17.4 min (not shown here). GC-MS chromatograms show the detection of m/z = 93. Heights of peaks are not comparable between samples.