(A) Children had significantly greater subcortical-primary sensory, subcortical-association, subcortical-paralimbic, and lower paralimbic-association, paralimbic-limbic, association-limbic connectivity than young-adults (p<0.01, indicated by **). Error bars represent standard error. (B) Graphical representation of developmental changes in functional connectivity along the posterior-anterior and ventral-dorsal axes, highlighting higher subcortical connectivity (subcortical nodes are shown in green) and lower paralimbic connectivity (paralimbic nodes are shown in gold) in children, compared to young-adults. Brain regions are plotted using the y and z coordinates of their centroids (in mm) in the MNI space. 430 pairs of anatomical regions showed significantly higher correlations in children and 321 pairs showed significantly higher correlations in young-adults (p<0.005, FDR corrected). For illustration purposes, the plot shows differential connectivity that were most significant, 105 pairs higher in children (indicated in red) and 53 higher in young-adults (indicated in blue), (p<0.0001, FDR corrected).