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. 2009 May 26;94(1):1–19. doi: 10.1007/s11060-009-9919-z

Table 2.

Top 15 gene changes in CD133− GBM daughter cells compared to CD133+ GBM daughter cells sorted from the same CD133+ GBM sphere cultures

Gene Symbol Gene I.D. Fold change P value Functional involvement
A. Genes upregulated in CD133− D431 GBM daughter cells
    Integrin-binding sialoprotein 3381 IBSP 10.13 0.01969 A major structural protein of the bone matrices; angiogenesis
    Chitinase 3-like 1 (cartilage glycoprotein-39) 1116 CHI3L1 6.93 0.039091 Chondrogenesis, glioblastoma progression marker
    Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase 6999 TDO2 5.62 0.00191 Enzyme involved in tryptophan catabolism
    Fibronectin 1 2335 FN1 4.61 0.039285 Binds to integrins/extracellular matrix; promote tumor growth
    Carbonic anhydrase XII 771 CA12 3.84 0.048487 Acidification of the extracellular milieu; a biomarker of gliomas
    Hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 1 3290 HSD11B1 3.75 0.013701 Catalyzes the interconversion of inactive cortisone to active cortisol
    Solute carrier family 7 23428 SLC7A8 3.63 0.005935 Transport of neutral amino acids/essential amino acids
    Stonin 2 85439 STON2 3.55 0.020396 A component of the endocytic machinery; regulates vesicle endocytosis
    Plexin A4, A 57671 PLXNA4 3.48 0.039696 Mediates multiple semaphorin signals and regulates axon guidance
    Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor 1 55450 CAMK2N1 3.42 0.011008 Inhibit brain CaM-kinase II activity
    Anthrax toxin receptor 1 84168 ANTXR1 3.28 0.031259 Mediates cell spreading by coupling extracellular ligands to the actin
    Growth differentiation factor 15 9518 GDF15 3.06 0.004578 Tissue differentiation and maintenance
    Matrix metallopeptidase 14 (membrane-inserted) 4323 MMP14 3.03 0.01905 Angiogenesis, tumor invasion
    Elastin microfibril interfacer 1 11117 EMILIN1 3.02 0.029463 Extracellular matrix constituent associated with elastic fibers
    Tissue factor pathway inhibitor 3675 TFPI 3.02 0.000305 Regulates the coagulation pathway; dynamic conduction of blood
B. Genes downregulated in CD133− D431 GBM daughter cells
    Prominin 1/CD133 8842 PROM1 −8.19 0.004998 Membrane protuberances and cell polarity
    Glutamate receptor, ionotrophic, AMPA 4 2893 GRIA4 −4.03 0.007852 Excitatory neurotransmitter receptors
    v-Myc myelocytomatosis viral related oncogene 4613 MYCN −3.91 0.006193 Embryonal tumor initiation factor
    PRKC, apoptosis, WT1, regulator 5074 PAWR −3.64 0.001191 Tumor suppressor; apoptosis induction
    Ksp37 protein 83888 KSP37 −3.46 0.016226 Protein produced by CD4 and cytotoxic lymphocytes
    Sidekick homolog 2 (chicken) 54549 SDK2 −3.43 0.011413 Cell adhesion protein that guides axonal terminals
    Frizzled-related protein 2487 FRZB −3.38 0.00987 Antagonizes Wnt pathway
    Cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 2 26999 CYFIP2 −3.37 0.002989 A direct p53 target gene; cellular apoptosis
    Monooxygenase, DBH-like 1 26002 MOXD1 −3.31 0.006728 Predicted to hydroxylate a substrate in the endoplasmic reticulum
    Complement factor H 3075 CFH −3.13 0.011463 Inhibition of complement activation
    Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule 29995 ALCAM −3.08 0.002511 Marker of mesenchymal/colorectal cancer stem cells; growth control
    LIM and cysteine-rich domains 1 214 LMCD1 −3.08 0.007018 Represses GATA6 in the maintenance of the differentiated phenotype
    Scrapie responsive protein 1 11341 SCRG1 −2.98 0.010901 Mesenchymal chondrogenesis, growth suppression
    v-Myb myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) 4602 MYB −2.97 0.049344 Intrinsic factor for neural progenitor cell proliferation
    Cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 3 1136 CHRNA5 −2.97 0.016751 Ligand-binding subunit of the ganglionic type nicotinic receptor
C. Genes upregulated in CD133− S496 GBM daughter cells
    3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A synthase 1 3157 HMGCS1 3.09 0.020826 Cholesterologenesis
    Solute carrier family 7 23428 SLC7A8 2.87 0.035311 Transport of neutral amino acids/essential amino acids
    Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L30 51263 MRPL30 2.60 0.00943 Protein synthesis within the mitochondrion
    mRNA turnover 4 homolog 51154 MRTO4 2.56 0.007082 mRNA turnover and ribosome assembly
    CCAAT/enhancer binding protein zeta 10153 CEBPZ 2.31 0.010864 Maintains differentiated state; enhances osteoblastic differentiation
    v-Rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A 5970 RELA 2.25 0.007044 Cell survival, antiapoptosis
    Endothelin 3 1908 EDN3 2.01 0.04014 Promotes neural crest cell and precursor proliferation
    Guanine nucleotide binding protein-like 3 (nucleolar)-like 54552 GNL3L 1.89 0.022775 Processing of nucleolar preribosomal RNA
    Adaptor-related protein complex 1, sigma 2 subunit 8905 AP1S2 1.89 0.03494 Protein sorting and assembly of endocytic vesicles
    Protein kinase, cAMP-dependent, catalytic, beta 5567 PRKACB 1.62 0.04107 Proliferation and differentiation; c-myc target gene; tumorigenesis
    SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 3 9901 SRGAP3 1.55 0.038237 Negatively regulates cell migration
    Integrin, beta 8 3696 ITGB8 1.55 0.042396 Brain vascular morphogenesis in the developing CNS
    Monoamine oxidase A 4128 MAOA 1.53 0.034433 Degrades amine neurotransmitters
    Phosphoinositide-3-kinase, class 2, beta polypeptide 5287 PIK3C2B 1.53 0.034433 Proliferation, survival; intracellular vesicle transport
    Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 4 331 XIAP 1.52 0.022379 Blocks the apoptosis pathway via inhibiting caspase-3, 7, and 9
D. Genes downregulated in CD133− S496 GBM daughter cells
    Prominin 1/CD133 8842 PROM1 −11.00 0.039802 Membrane protuberances and cell polarity
    Phosphorylase kinase, gamma 2 (testis) 5261 PHKG2 −5.95 0.008141 Activates glycogen phosphorylase
    BH-protocadherin (brain–heart) 5099 PCDH7 −2.86 0.013744 Calcium-dependent cell–cell adhesion
    Inhibin, beta A (activin A, activin AB alpha polypeptide) 3624 INHBA −2.82 0.026005 Tooth development; tumor suppressor
    Melanoma cell adhesion molecule 4162 MCAM −2.81 0.013207 Putative adhesion molecule in neural crest cells/melanoma
    Low density lipoprotein-related protein 1 4035 LRP1 −2.75 0.018718 Lipid metabolism; antigrowth, tumor suppressor
    Leucine rich repeat neuronal 6C 158038 LINGO2 −2.69 0.014473 Expressed in limbic system and neocortex
    AF4/FMR2 family, member 3 3899 AFF3 −2.68 0.008324 Regulation of lymphoid development
    Nephronectin 255743 NPNT −2.65 0.013665 Tumor suppressor
    ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 1 9510 ADAMTS1 −2.60 0.017533 Antiangiogenesis
    Forkhead box C1 2296 FOXC1 −2.59 0.022414 Arrests cells in the G0/G1 phase; tumor suppressor
    AT rich interactive domain 1A (SWI-like) 8289 ARID1A −2.56 0.029044 Differentiation-associated cell cycle arrest; tumor suppressor
    Solute carrier family 4, anion exchanger, member 2 6522 SLC4A2 −2.52 0.025985 Housekeeping regulator of intracellular pH; tumor suppressor
    La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 1 23367 LARP1 −2.51 0.01622 Protects the 3′ end of nascent small RNAs from exonuclease digestion
    Collagen, type IV, alpha 2 1284 COL4A2 −2.42 0.008793 Inhibits angiogenesis and tumor growth

Analysis was based on a cutoff of 1.5-fold changes in relative expression compared to CD133+ GBM daughter cells (P < 0.05)